Since late 2009 my hair has been even weirder than normal. You see at one time I suffered from some supreme malarkey known as mononucleosis. In addition to throwing up everywhere, engorging my liver, and losing 10 lbs.; my hair decided to fall out. Apparently the shock to my immune system informed my hair follicles they were no longer needed. Great clumps of hair came out in the shower or whenever I sneezed. At one point I considered rocking the Natalie Portman hair circa V for Vendetta. Fortunately the universe smiled on me and my hair, slowly, oh so slowly, began to grow again. Since that time I've been a teensy bit terrified of flat irons and hair dryers. I don't want the precious strands to break and abandon me like they did that summer.
I might never achieve hair confidence but at least female pattern baldness doesn't run in the family.
What I'm listening to: Haircuts by Heart Shaped Hate
Didn't figure out how to add that mp3 link yet, huh?